Linda Va'aelua New Zealand | Samoa, b. 1977

'I referenced navigation, migration and way-finding by using star patterns from my malu, stitching with wool also suggesting navigation and plotting of journeys. The semi circles representing the sun also reference hemispheres.'


Linda Va'aelua is a visual artist of Samoan (Magiagi, Saleaula, Lano and Samata), Palagi and Scottish descent. Her work looks closely at her cultural background, namely her mixed Samoan and Scottish lineage, as well as her position as a Tagata Moana artist within the Samoan diaspora in Aotearoa. Her strong connection to family sees ties to her parents, husband and children throughout her practice. As an extension of this interrelatedness, Linda combines Scottish and Samoan references within her art, further exploring the parallels between the history of wayfinding and navigation and claiming one's unique cultural identity.