Sapati Mossiah Avei Fina’i New Zealand | Samoa, b. 1997

'I am a multi-disciplinary creative based in Tāmaki Makaurau/Auckland. I am a proud Sāmoan from the villages of Fasito'outa and Nofoali'i, Upolu Samoa. I was born and raised throughout West Auckland in a busy loving home of loud music, instruments being played and siblings fighting. My curiousity and love for the creative arts started from home and grew into a passion I now carry with me everywhere I go. I now reside in the CBD of Auckland.


I explore motifs, stories and artistic methods of my Sāmoan heritage with a contemporary

interpretation. I work in a number of mediums including woodworking, drawing, musical instruments, sculpture and digital fabrication. I reference my Pacific identity within my work because it is who I am and how I communicate.'