Sylvia Marsters: E Moemoe'a Naku - A Dream of Mine

29 October - 26 November 2022 Bergman Gallery, Auckland
E Moemoea Naku is the manifestation of a dream of mine.

Opening Speakers:

Marilyn Kohlhase, Pacific Arts Patron
Sylvia Marsters,  Artist


Sylvia Marsters', E Moemoe'a Naku - A Dream of Mine, brings the artist's practice full circle as lush tropical Hibiscus paintings are presented alongside her iconic Gardenia canvases. For much of her youth, the artist was thrilled with tales of her father's island in the Pacific, stories that ultimately became represented by the flora that she paints. Elements of realism blend with concepts of romanticism and perceptions of Pacific fantasy in these new compositions, structuring a sense of serenity and compelling attraction.


The artist writes, ' This solo exhibition is the first time that I have shown a substantial body of work in my hometown of Tāmaki Makaurau (Auckland) for many years. My prior exhibitions in the Cook Islands developed a meaningful connection with my ancestral home, the foundation of my art practice.


Bergman Gallery now opening in Auckland unites the two worlds that I traverse, the completion of a journey I began in 2003 with the Creative New Zealand | Cook Islands residency programme.The paintings in this solo exhibition touch on some of the exhibitions that have been held in Rarotonga over the years, offering a glimpse into this journey, this dream of mine.'

Stand in front of a Sylvia Marsters painting and allow the colour, texture and form to propel you into a state of fantastic hyper-experience, a rich blend of fantasy, reality and experience.