Monica Paterson New Zealand | Samoa, b. 1972

Myth, dreams and a powerful sense of maternal connection and self speaks from within the constructs of Monica Paterson’s illustrative, painted compositions. 


Vibrant colour and fantasy laden Pacific Island imagery of village life confront the viewer, her nostalgic characters a manifestation of popular island folklore. Paterson’s scenes are complex, detailed - stereotypical Pacific postcard imagery on steroids. There is a large story unfolding from within, the artist reconciling a diasporic contemporary Pacific identity against intoxicating past stories of islands in the sun. 


Following a period of study, travel and raising a family, Paterson returned to painting in 2012.  She has been included in numerous  group shows within New Zealand including Tusiata O Le Tala Le Vavau: Artists of the Forever Stories (2023) at Māngere Arts Centre featuring artists Iosua To’afa, Andy Leleisi’uao, Serene Hodgman, Alison Leauanae, Iokapeta Magele-Suamasi, Raymond Sagapolutele, Siliga David Setoga & Teuila Va'aelua.


Monica Paterson lives and works in Auckland.